im back here!!
today i reflex about the meaning of grateful and how much important is in life, thanks to life is an other wonderful day to share happiness to the world and great energy
Ya lo dijo Jesus, habla en parabolas para no revelar los secretos del reino de los cielos a todos
tener como pareja a una persona insegura no te ayuda a construir un imperio sino que lo destruye
I am the only one responsible (read again)
Your partner and who you listen to are the most important decisions you will make in your life, choose wisely
Don't surround yourself with anyone you wouldn't like to be.
The obstacles of the road are the ones that make the road
We all have a winner inside, the important thing is that we see life through the eyes of the winner inside us.Todos tenemos a un ganador dentro, lo importante es que veamos la vida desde los ojos del ganador que llevamos dentro
El dinero puede usarse para el bien o para el mal pero si uno carece de dinero carece en consecuencia de la capacidad de hacer el bien con el
(Marco Aurelio)
(Steve Jobs)
(Los 7 habitos de la gente altamente efectiva)
"Prefiero ganar un 1% del esfuerzo de 100 personas que el 100% de mi propio esfuerzo"
“Mientras uno siente que está sirviendo a los otros, es que la tarea está bien hecha. Cuando a uno solo le preocupa ayudarse a sí mismo, el trabajo es menos bueno: una ley tan inexorable como la
" I wish you first that you love,And that as you love, you'll also be loved.And if it's not that way, you'll be brief to forgetAnd after you forget, you don't bear any grudges.I wish then, that it won't be like that, but if it is,You'll know how to be, without despair.I also wish you to have friends,And that, even bad and inconsistantThey should be brave and loyal, and, that at leastthere's one of them in who you can trust without a doubt.And because life is like it is,I also wish you have enemies.Not too many nor too few, in the exact amount,So that sometimes, you'll question yourOwn certainties. And that among them,There's one who's just and fair, so that you won't feel too sure.I wish you also that you're useful,But not indispensable.And that at bad times,When there's nothing else left,That sense of usefulness will be enoughto keep you on you feet.As well, I wish you to be tolerant,Not with the ones that make few mistakes,Because that's easy, but with the ones that makea lot of mistakes, and inevitably do so,and that by making good use of that tolerance,you'll be an example to others.I wish you that being young you don't mature too fast,And that once grown up, you don't insist in returning to youth,And that being old you don't dedicate yourself to despair.Because every age has it's pleasureAnd it's pain,and it's necessary to let them flow among us.By the way, I wish you to be sad.Not the entire year, but a day.But that in that day you'll figure out thatDaily laughter is good, usual laughter is lame,and constant laughter is unhealthy.I wish you to find outWith maxium urgency, above everythingand despite all, that there existand surround you, opressed beingstreated unjustly, and unhappy persons.I wish you to (flirt censorship)Feed a bird, and hear a goldfinchrise triumphantly its early song,because this way,you'll feel good about nothing.I wish you also to plant a seed,Even if it's a tiny one, and that,You may accompany it in it's growth,So that you discoverOf how many lives is made a tree.I wish you also to have money,because it's necessary to be practical,and that even once a yearyou place some of that money in front of youand you say "this is mine"just to make clearwho owns who.The same I wish you that none of your dear ones die,But if someone dies, you may cry without regretsAnd suffer without feeling guilty.Finally I wish you that, being a man,You'll have a good woman, and that being a woman,You'll have a good man,Tomorrow and the day after, and that whenYou're exhausted and similing,You'll talk about love to start over.If all of these things come to be,Then I have nothing else to wish you."
How to tell you there is always enough time?That we only need look for it and take it for ourselves,That no one sets rules but lifeThat life without certain rules loses shapeThat our shape is not lost by allowing ourselves to open upThat opening up does not mean to love indiscriminatelyThat to love is not forbiddenThat we are also allowed hateThat hatred and love are emotionsThat aggression for its own sake hurts a lotThat wounds healThat doors should not be shutThat the most important of all doors is our affectionThat our affections are what define usThat to define ourselves we need not paddle against the currentThat just because we use a stronger stroke does not imply we are drawing moreThat looking for balance does not imply we are lukewarmThat to deny spoken words, implies creating distanceThat finding oneself is so beautifulThat sex is part of the beauty of lifeThat life departs from sexThat wanting to know about someone is not mere curiosityThat to want to know everything about everyone is unhealthy curiosityThat it never hurts to be thankfulThat self-determination does not mean things are to be done aloneThat nobody wants to be aloneThat to not be alone we must first giveThat in order to give we must have first receivedThat in order to receive, we must first know how to askThat knowing how to ask is not the same as giving ourselves awayThat giving ourselves away is definitely not loving ourselvesThat to be loved we must show who we areThat in order for someone to be, this person must first be helpedThat to help someone is to encourage and to support themThat support is not flatteryThat flattery is as pernicious as slapping someone across the faceThat things are honest when done face-to-faceThat no one is honest just because they do not stealThat the thief does not steal out of a desire to be a thiefThat when there is no pleasure in doing things, we are not livingThat to feel alive we must not forget that death existsThat we may be dead whilst being aliveThat we feel with our mind and with our bodyThat we listen with our earsThat it is hard to be sensitive and not get hurtThat to not get hurt we build wallsThat those who sow walls harvest nothingThat most of us are wall-building masonsThat it would be much better to build bridges insteadThat on them we are able to reach the other side and also returnThat to return does not imply we are moving backwardsThat going backwards may also be a means of moving forwardThat by moving forward a long distance does not imply we wake up any closer to the SunHow to tell you that no one set rules but life?(Mario Benedetti)
(Bruce Lee)
You must take advantage of every moment that you have left in the world, until the second one you consider more insignificant, you can use everything that is left of the rest of your life, always choose what makes you happy and believe in yourself, Happy Pride"Dream as if you were to live forever, live as if you were dying today"
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